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Podcast Interview on The Alec McNorman Show!

Join me to catch up with Shir Azari of @ShirAzariMusic where we discuss her latest single and the struggles of producing music on a budget, during COVID.

To listen the full podcast interview (45 minutes) with Shir Azari, click here.

Host: Alec McNorman
Podcast Host

September 6th, 2022
The Alec McNorman Show!

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Podcast Interview on The Alec McNorman Show!

Today's episode is an interview with the wonderfully talented and equally beautiful young woman, Shir Azari, who is an aspiring singer, songwriter, actress and fashion mogul from Richmond Hill, Ontario.


Check her out... you will not be disappointed!

To listen the full podcast interview (30 minutes) with Shir Azari, click here.

Host: Alec McNorman
Podcast Host

March 7th, 2021
The Alec McNorman Show!

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Bringing Listeners Closer Together, Shir Azari Wants You to Know That You're "Not Alone"
(Single Review & Artist Interview)

Genre-bending, Shir Azari doesn't hold back with the heartfelt release of her latest single, "Not Alone".

"Not Alone" draws you into the presentation immediately with the gentle keys and distant strings that shine brightly in the composition heard. The delicate yet empowering vocals that Shir Azari exudes allows us to sink into our seats as we fully take in this elegant piece that holds major Classical elements as it fuses together with Pop and R&B.


Chills easily go down your spine as we zone in on the beautifully factual words that Shir Azari sings expressing the wide vocal range that she carries within herself. The graceful manner in which the vocals have a chance to be heard as a centerpiece yet seamlessly blend into the instrumentation making them whole, is a job extremely well done on the production scale.


To read the full review followed by an exclusive interview with Shir Azari, click here.

Buzz Music LA

November 24th, 2020
Online Magazine For Independent Artists

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Podcast Interview with Sara Dimerman - How Song Soothes The Soul

Sara Dimerman in conversation with Shir Azari, about how song soothes the soul.

Over the course of this episode you will learn more about:

  • Shir’s journey, from a young child to where she is today

  • How song soothes Shir’s soul, why she thinks song soothes others’ souls and what it is about music that inspires or evokes emotion in us

  • Supports in Shir’s life and whether being able to pursue her passion has been impacted by having them in her life

  • Shir’s mental health concerns and how this inspired her to write her recently released song, "Not Alone"

  • Shir’s future plans


To listen the full podcast interview (30 minutes) with Shir Azari, click here.

Host: Sara Dimerman
Psychologist & Author

January 9th, 2021


Debut Single Review - “Not Alone”


With the onset of darker days and colder weather, a deep, autumn tune is very welcome, especially if this time of the year is a challenging one.  In her debut single Not Alone,

Shir Azari has managed to take the discomfort and isolation we all experience and make a beautiful, melodic homage to mental health and the physical and emotional reactions of anxiety and depression. Not Alone blends minimalist piano riffs with a blissful orchestral backdrop to create a haunting and utterly moving piece of music. The lyrics are deeply personal and highlight Azari’s own struggle with anxiety. The artist mentioned:

“It is inspired by my personal struggles with anxiety. And as I was writing the song, I realized that a lot of other people I know also deal with anxiety and other mental health issues.”  

The words move through the music as if they were diary entries, and the sense of desperation and pain is both vivid and calming, truly living up to the song’s message and title. Paired with vulnerable, yet strong vocals, Not Alone is a mesmerizing power ballad to which anyone can relate and sing along. An incredibly daring debut, Not Alone gives listeners a taste of Azari’s songwriting and its ability to both entertain and enlighten. The true magic of the song is found in the excellent production value and atmospheric sound and listeners are disturbed by the honesty, yet frantic for more. We are all eager to see what else this talented rising star has to offer.


Launching with the single is an accompanying hashtag in support of mental health awareness.

#NotAloneNovember was created as a safe space and online community, where mental health struggles and success stories can be shared. Azari also hopes the hashtag will unite those inspired and helped by the release of Not Alone


“This community is there to support each other, and help find our way through these times together, because we are not alone. By using the hashtag #NotAloneNovember, you are helping to create a community where we can all speak openly about what we deal with every day, and how we can overcome some of our obstacles.”


Despite the song being Azari’s debut, the mastery and accomplished nature of Not Alone is sure to define the artist’s style and leave us with a profound connection to the song, yearning for more of Azari’s incredible vocals, and honest & caring lyrical expressions.  


Check out for more music news.

Author: Kaylin Baker-Fields

November 14th, 2020

Check out more of Kaylin's writing at

Visibility Hacking Special Guest Post 2.

Interview with Molle Dorst - Visibility Hackers


Watching Shir grow over the past few years has been absolutely remarkable. Watching her go through the struggle to fit into the cookie cutter model of what is expected of her, instead she's broken through that barrier and she has found a way to share her passions, skills, and amazing voice with the world.


Shir's music, lyrics, and vocals are so powerful. What's really neat is when lockdown happened (due to COVID-19), Shir went full force into her music...


Watch now for more!

Pre-Interview (5 minutes): click here.


Full Interview (30 minutes): click here.


Host: Molle Dorst

October 23rd, 2020

Master Funnel Designer & Strategist

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